At Art Cologne 2022, Francis Zeischegg presented her recently completed, monumental work 'Self-Displayer' at the booth of Galerie Judith Andreae.
"Scaling has influenced the human imagination - beyond the measure of the body and the eye - and digital aids have expanded it into the almost infinite. The handling of the model being and its potential of multi-dimensionality is anchored in Zeischegg's artistic practice in many ways. In the series Blickarchitekturen (2020), surveillance structures merge into fictitious, hybrid entities that the artist recreates at different scales. In doing so, she illuminates several perspectives and potential fields of action: those of surveillance, self-display and voyeurism. The sculpture Self-Displayer (2022) combines a classical high seat with an open, nobly decorated sedan chair or pulpit. This elevated device suggests how closely the view and being exposed is intertwined with power dynamics, not least the panoptic gaze."
Excerpt: Sophia Scherer on the exhibition HOMEZONE Francis Zeischegg & Friends;
nova space of the Bauhaus University Weimar m Kunsthaus Erfurt Dec. 2022