FRANCIS ZEISCHEGG | Schloss Britz, Berlin

DIE GANZE ZEIT, Schloss Brigg, Berlin
March 15, – June 1, 2025
Opening on March 14, 2025, 6–9 pm
During the 19th century Wilhelminian era, society underwent a profound transformation, shaped by the industrial revolution, technological progress and sweeping
social changes. It was during this era that the concept of time acquired a new dimension and came to play a decisive role in the management of human resources.
Controlling time meant gaining power not only over production processes but also over people’s lives. At Schloss Britz, ten contemporary artists are now exploring
the phenomenon of time in the 19th and the 21st century. The result is a differentiated view of contemporary culture - and the question of what alternatives are conceivable.
Works by Alma Ulrikke Bille Strade, Anna Borgman, Ingo Gerken, Manaf Halbouni, Karin Lind, Carsten Nicolai, Sophia Pompéry, Ahmed Ramadan, Liza Sivakova, Francis Zeischegg.