Galerie Judith Andreae ist eine zeitgenössische Galerie aus Bonn, die sowohl junge als auch etablierte internationale Künstler:innen aus den Bereichen Malerei, Zeichnung, Fotografie, Video, Skulptur, Objekt, Installation und Performance vertritt. Pro Jahr zeigt die Galerie sechs bis acht kuratierte Einzel- und Gruppenausstellungen und nimmt an internationalen Messen. Zudem kooperiert die Galerie mit weiteren Galerien wie auch Institutionen für temporäre Sonderausstellungen und fördert Projekte im Rahmen von Kunst am Bau & Kunst im öffentlichen Raum.

Aktuelle Ausstellung

Vernissage 06.02.2025 | 18:00 - 21:00
07.02.2025 - 22.03.2025

LUNITA-JULY DORN | + am Ende nichts vermissen Einzelausstellung

In her large-format acrylic paintings and drawings, Lunita-July Dorn (*1999) creates dynamic visual worlds that oscillate between surreal narrative and documentary reflection. Her works are poetic interweavings of personal memories and artistic expression and reveal a haunting, almost tangible intimacy. Dorn seduces with an unmistakably loose painting style: broad, energetic brushstrokes meet subtle details that interweave the banal and the poetic. While Dorn's earlier works tend to explore fictitious scenarios in which the artist is the protagonist in imaginary spaces, her latest works are dedicated to concrete memories. Her method is radically intuitive: without any preliminary sketches, she begins by spontaneously laying out a figure on the canvas and builds a world of colour, forms and narratives around it. The creative process is visible, traces of constant overpainting and revision lend the works a vibrant liveliness. Her pictorial language moves between the expressive gesture and an introspective love of detail - a harmonious dissonance that invites viewers to linger and explore.

Following her participation in the group exhibitions ‘Big City Baby’ at ZAK - Centre for Contemporary Centre for Contemporary Art, Berlin (2022), and ‘CHERRIES ON TOP’ at Galerie Judith Andreae (2023), her works have been presented in international contexts. A highlight was the exhibition at Palazzo Bembo on the occasion of the Venice Biennale 2024, which focussed exclusively on female positions. In the same year, Dorn was part of the comprehensive group exhibition ‘Gegen den Strich - GEN Z in der Kunst’ at Sacrow Castle near Potsdam.

This February marks Lunita-July Dorn's first solo exhibition at Galerie Judith Andreae.

Opening February 6th, 6-9 pm, Exhibition duration: 07.02.2025 - 22.03.2024



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