News & Presse
NICHOLAS WARBURG | Aktenzeichen XY Unerlöst @ Galerie Judith Andreae
Nicholas Warburg | AKTENZEICHEN XY UNERLÖST The ZDF series Aktenzeichen XY ungelöst (Case File XY Unsolved) is the world’s longest-running true-crime television format. Since its first broadcast in 1967, over five thousand cases have been featured, nearly one in three involving murder. At...
FRANCIS ZEISCHEGG | Schloss Britz, Berlin
DIE GANZE ZEIT, Schloss Brigg, Berlin March 15, – June 1, 2025 Opening on March 14, 2025, 6–9 pm During the 19th century Wilhelminian era, society underwent a profound transformation, shaped by the industrial revolution, technological progress and sweeping social changes. It was during this...
TIM BERRESHEIM | Kunstmuseum Stuttgart
Double Cheese Platter: Centenary of the Collection. Twenty Years of the Kunstmuseum Stuttgart March 8, 2025 – October 12, 2025 In 1925, works from the City of Stuttgart art collection were shown to the public for the first time in the Villa Berg. As the Galerie der Stadt Stuttgart (Stuttgart...
TOBIAS VETTER | one:artist show art Karlsruhe 2025
We look forward to be presenting Tobias Vetter within the solo format one:artist show at this years art Karlsruhe.Tobias Vetter, primarily known for painting, expands into textiles and sculpture in his latest works. His signature motifs, like male giants, now appear on large jacquard...
RUNE MIELDS | Kunstmuseum Bonn Sammlungspräsentation
On the occasion of her 90th birthday, the Kunstmuseum Bonn is dedicating a room in its collection presentation to the conceptual painter Rune Mields (*1935 in Münster, lives and works in Cologne). Numerous works by the artist have long been a permanent fixture in the museum’s collection. A...
LUNITA-JULY DORN | + am Ende nichts vermissen @ Galerie Judith Andreae
In her large-format acrylic paintings and drawings, Lunita-July Dorn (*1999) creates dynamic visual worlds that oscillate between surreal narrative and documentary reflection. Her works are poetic interweavings of personal memories and artistic expression and reveal a haunting, almost tangible...
LUKAS GLINKOWSKI | House of Galleries, Franfurt am Main
The HOUSE OF GALLERIES is launching for the very first time, making its debut from January 24–26, 2025 in the heart of Frankfurt. 26 leading galleries from Frankfurt and across Germany have been selected to present their works on the 43rd and 44th floors of the TRIANON building. ...
LUKAS GLINKOWSKI | Eat the Rainbow, Fuhrwerkswaage Cologne
Lukas Glinkowski @ Fuhrwerkswaage Mountainview Gallery, Cologne: The title Eat the rainbow is aimed at the platform of the same name, which calls for diversity and awareness when choosing food. Glinkowski's work represents a playful yet critical dialogue about consumer culture, excess and visual...
TIM BERRESHEIM | Paris Photo Digital Sector
Tim Berresheim (*1975) is a pioneering figure in computer-based art, seamlessly blending art history, technology, science, and nature. He views the computer as a transformative tool, akin to the hand axe that once liberated humanity from caves. Focusing on the essence of images in the digital...
RUNE MIELDS | Ludwig Forum Aachen
With “The infinite space - expands”, the Ludwig Forum Aachen presents the work of Rune Mields (*1935 in Münster), who lived in Aachen between 1965 and 1970. The starting point of the presentation is her so-called “tube paintings”, which she worked on from the end of the 1960s and of which Peter...
What about the limits and reliability of our perception in an increasingly computer-generated and AI-influenced visual world? Processes of merging digital media with reality lead to hybrid forms of appearance, located between reality and virtuality. The information and truth content of images...
REGINE SCHUMANN | Jumps in Time @ Galerie Judith Andreae
For more than 30 years, Regine Schumann has dedicated herself as a visual artist to the themes of light, color and form using the special material of fluorescent acrylic glass. The current exhibition JUMPS IN TIME in the rooms of the Judith Andreae Gallery shows significant leaps in the artist's...
LUNITA-JULY DORN | Gegen den Strich, Schloss Sacrow
The exhibition GEGEN DEN STRICH runs until October 20th at Schloss Sacrow in Potsdam. Expressive colorfulness, radical subjectivity, rough strokes and impulsive style as well as a humorous approach to artistic models and pictorial traditions are some of the characteristics of the exhibition...
Es gibt immer wieder Ausstellungen, da soll es zeitlich einfach nicht sein, sie live zu sehen. Wenn die Sehnsucht zu groß wird, muss die Technik herhalten. Kann ein Videocall die Sehnsucht stillen? Im Falle der Gruppenausstellung “Liebe ist alles” in der Galerie Judith Andreae musste der...
TIM BERRESHEIM | Kunsthalle Bielefeld & Museum Marta Herford
Zwischen Pixel und Pigment - Hybride Malerei in postdigitalen Zeiten, The exhibition, developed jointly by the Museum Marta Herford and the Kunsthalle Bielefeld and taking place simultaneously at both venues, is dedicated to post-digital hybrid painting and thus reflects our hybrid post-digital...
STEFANIE BREHM | 6th Triennal of Contemporary Art in Franconia
Aufgefächert! 6th Triennal of Contemporary Art in Franconia, June 28 - September 15, 2024, Kunsthalle Schweinfurt Strong works, strong women! The 6th Triennial of Contemporary Art in Franconia is all about nine female artists. Under the motto "Fanned Out", the exhibition at the Kunsthalle...
TIM BERRESHEIM & JOHANNES BRUS | Museum für Photografie Braunschweig
Back to where we have started from, curated by Barbara Hofmann-Johnson, June 28 - August 18, 2024, Museum für Photografie Braunschweig As part of the 40th anniversary of the Museum für Photographie Braunschweig, the exhibition Back to where we have started from aims to highlight the special...
KulturFestival Bad Godesberg | 7. - 9. Juni 2024
Unser Galerie-Programm, das anlässlich des KulturFestival Bad Godesberg 2024 stattfindet:Freitag, den 7. JuniEröffnung der Ausstellung "LIEBE IST ALLES"kuratiert von Susanne Kleine und Katja Andreae17 - 22 UhrSamstag, den 8. JuniKonzert "R(h)ein weiblich"A capella vom FeinstenBeginn 16...
HILDEGARD ELMA | Donaueschinger Regionale 2024
Vernissage 14. Juni 2024, 19 Uhr; Ausstellungslaufzeit 15. Juni bis 7. Juli 2024. Die Stadt Donaueschingen lädt Sie und Ihre Freunde herzlich ein zur Eröffnung der Donaueschinger Regionale und Verleihung des Kunstpreises der Stadt Donaueschingen am Freitag, 14. Juni 2024, 19 Uhr in den...
Artist Mukbang | Liza Dieckwisch & Julia Gruner
GREEN JELLY BAR Ausstellung: 04.05. – 25.05.2024 im Richas Digest, Köln. Öffnungszeiten: jeweils Samstag den 11.5., 18.5. und 25.5. von 15–18 Uhr und nach Vereinbarung Richas Digest Lotheringer Str. 51 50677 Köln Ausgangspunkt für die Ausstellung ist...
LEA GREBE | Schloss Branitz, Cottbus
Im Rahmen des Themenjahres "Historische Gärten im Klimawandel" wurde Lea Grebe vom Berliner Studio Symbiotic Lab eingeladen im Park des Schlosses Branitz in Cottbus eine Arbeit zu realisieren. Es wird eine speziell für den Park entwickelte neue Glasarbeit Habitat der Künstlerin zu sehen...
TIZIANA JILL BECK | a&o Kunsthalle Leipzig
Die Duo-Ausstellung Tetrachromat von Tiziana Jill Beck und Maja Behrmann führt zwei künstlerische Positionen zusammen, die sich zunächst nicht im gleichen Genre bewegen. Maja Behrmann arbeitet abstrakt. Für ihre Bilder, Textilarbeiten, Skulpturen und Installationen entwirft sie vielfarbige,...
TIZIANA JILL BECK | Paper Positions Berlin
Galerie Judith Andreae is pleased to present new works by the artist TIZIANA JILL BECK at paper positions berlin.paper positions berlin25. – 28. April 2024Deutsche Telekom HauptstadtrepräsentanzFranzösische Strasse 33 a-c10117 Berlin
LUNITA-JULY DORN & RUNE MIELDS | Palazzo Bembo, Venedig
"Unapologetic WomXn", curated by Destinee Ross-Sutton, NY, 20. April - 24. November 2024, Palazzo Bembo, Venedig. “Unapologetic WomXn”, The Dream is the Truth”, curated by Destinee Ross-Sutton, NY & Stockholm. This international group exhibition consists of 31 female artists on the...
JOHANNES BRUS | Fuhrwerkswaage, Köln
Opening Sonntag, 14. April, 11 - 13 Uhr, Fuhrwerkswaage, Köln-Sürth; Zur Ausstellung erscheint ein Katalog mit einem Text von Oliver Tepel; Laufzeit: 15.4. bis 18.5.2024, Fr.: 16 - 19 Uhr, Sa. u. So.: 14 - 18 Uhr
RUNE MIELDS | Frauenmuseum, Bonn
"beyond algorithms_digital utopia", 7. April - 17. November 2024, VERNISSAGE am 7. April um 13.30h, Frauenmuseum, Bonn.
I SPY WITH MY LITTLE EYE Lukas Glinkowski + Stefan Hirsig Kuratiert von Peter Ungeheuer Eröffnung: 21. März 2024, 19:00 Dauer: 21. März — 14. April 2024 Öffnungszeiten: Freitag – Sonntag, 13:00 – 18:00
JOHANNES BRUS | Kunstverein Ulm
"Medium Photography - Johannes Brus, Chargesheimer, Sigmar Polke", 24 March - 20 May 2024 at the Kunstverein Ulm. Opening on Saturday, 23 March at 6 pm.
GUDRUN KEMSA | Stadtmuseum Düsseldorf
"düsseldorf photo+ Biennale for Visual and Sonic Media", 17.5 - 14.7.2024, Stadtmuseum Düsseldorf. Die kritisch-poetische Reflexion der digital und analog erzeugten audiovisuellen Wirklichkeiten durch Künstler:innen stehen im Fokus der unabhängigen Biennale for Visual and Sonic Media...
GUDRUN KEMSA | Alexander Tutsek-Stiftung, München
Opening 18.4.2024 von 18 - 21 Uhr, "THE WORLD IN MY HAND", Alexander Tutsek Stiftung, Black Box, München, Laufzeit 19.4 - 21.10.2024. Seit seiner Erfindung im Jahr 2007 hat das Smartphone innerhalb kürzester Zeit unsere Kommunikation und Mediennutzung revolutioniert. Es ist weltweit zum...
GUDRUN KEMSA | Kunstverein Aalen
"WILDNIS", 23.2 - 21.4.2024, Kunstverein Aalen, Teilnehmende Künstler*innen: Frank Hinrichs, Angela Hiß, Gudrun Kemsa, Andrea Lehnert, Simone Mack, Benjamin Nachtway, Hyesug Park, Manuel Ruf, Robinson Tilly, Anne Wissmann. ‚Wildnis’ als Ausstellungstitel referiert weniger auf einen Ort...
PIA FERM | SPARK Art Fair Vienna 2024
Wir freuen uns auf der diesjährigen SPARK Art Fair Vienna 2024 erstmals mit einer Solo Präsentation der jungen schwedischen Künstlerin PIA FERM vertreten zu sein. Sie finden uns in der Marx Halle in Wien, am Stand E2. Pia Ferm (*1986 Lysekil, Schweden) studierte von 2011 bis 2014...
Galerie Judith Andreae is pleased to present new works by the artist PIA FERM at the SPARK Art Fair in the Marx Hall in Vienna, booth E 2.MARX HALLKarl-Farkas-Gasse 191030 ViennaMarch 14, 2024Preview 12 - 5 pmVernissage 5 pm - midnightExhibition days March 15 - 17, 2024Opening hours Fri & Sat...
ACHIM MOHNÉ | GLOBE at SPARK Art Fair Vienna 2024
Achim Mohné präsentiert erstmals im Sonderprogramm der SPARK Art Fair Vienna auf der Theaterbühne des GLOBE in der Wiener MARX HALLE Arbeiten der Serie "3D-GOOGLE-EARTH-MODEL" und "Informationsfilme zur politischen Bildung". Achim Mohné’s interdisziplinäre, medienkünstlerische...
LUNITA-JULY DORN | One Artist Show
We are pleased to present at this year's art Karlsruhe 2024 in the ONE ARTIST SHOW category new works by young Berlin artist LUNITA-JULY DORN.You will find us at the fair in hall 2, booth D 06.Fantasy images and everyday life are intrinsically interwoven in Lunita-July Dorn's (*1999) mostly...
RUNE MIELDS | re:discover art Karlsruhe 2024
Wir freuen uns auf der diesjährigen art Karlsruhe 2024 im Förderprogramm re:discover mit Arbeiten der Künstlerin RUNE MIELDS vertreten zu sein. Sie finden uns auf der Messe in der Halle 2, Stand D 06. Seit nunmehr fast über fünfzig Jahren arbeitet Rune Mields (*1935 in Münster) als...
Andreas Bausch, green edge Andreas Bausch macht in seiner Malerei Phänomene der Zeit, des Raums und der Bewegung erfahrbar.Seine grünen Bilder wirken im Zusammenklang mit der brutalistischen Architektur des Ebertplatzes wie Projektionen einer poetischen Verinnerlichung.Eröffnung am Freitag,...
JULIA GRUNER | Kunsthalle Wilhelmshaven
Group Show "Oh clouds, oh storms, oh winds... KUNST IM STURM", at the Kunsthalle Wilhelmshaven. Opening on Friday, December 8 from 6 pm. Duration: 9.12.203 to 18.02.2024. Wild, destructive, exhilarating, unbridled and brimming with energy: Kunsthalle Wilhelmshaven is devoting...
Due to health reasons, Beat Wismer's artist talk with Julia Gruner, which was scheduled for Thursday, December 14, will unfortunately be canceled.We very much hope to be able to reschedule the talk after the exhibition has been extended and will of course keep you up to date via the newsletter.
ACHIM MOHNÉ | Internationales Festival Fotografischer Bilder
Saturday, 25.11.2023 at 2 pm: Panel discussion 2023 on the topic "Do we need to rethink photography?"Guests: Dr. Stefan Gronert (Sprengel Museum Hannover), Dr. Roland Meyer (Ruhr University Bochum), Prof. Achim Mohné (FH Dortmund), Lars Willumeit (Photo Elysee Lausanne, CH); Moderation: Andy...
LUKAS GLINKOWSKI | artothek, Cologne
Every year, the Friends of the artothek present themselves with a stand at Art Cologne. With the proceeds from the annual edition shown there, the association supports the goals and activities of the artothek. Internationally renowned artists such as Raimund Girke, Boris Becker, Leiko Ikemura,...
See you at Paris Photo 2023 at the Palais Grand Éphémère Galerie Judith Andreae | Main Sector Booth C09
JOHANNES BRUS at Centre Pompidou, Paris
"Body To Body. Photographic Stories"- a group show with works by Johannes Brus. September 6, 2023 - March 25, 2024. Featuring more than 350 photographs and documents by some 120 photographers, the "Body to Body" exhibition offers a unique insight into photographic portrayals of the human race in...
JULIA GRUNER | Kunststiftung Rainer Wild
The collection, which Dr. Rainer Wild has amassed over the past 40 years and continues to grow, comprises several hundred works of art from the 20th and 21st centuries. In terms of motif all the works in the collection revolve around the theme of fruits. Well-known artists such as Pablo Picasso,...
STEFANIE BREHM | Neue Galerie Landshut
On the occasion of the 150th anniversary of the ceramics school in Landshut, the Neue Galerie Landshut e.V. has invited five innovative artists who deal with the materials ceramics and porcelain in very different ways, including Stefanie Brehm. Brehm turns and builds her painting base in the...
Wort Schrift Zeichen. Das Alphabet der Kunst KOLUMBA, Köln 15. September 2023 – 14. August 2024 Werke u.a. von Birgit Antoni, Monika Bartholomé, Kurt Benning, Anna Blume, Louise Bourgeois, Felix Droese, Terry Fox, Marta Hegemann, Rebecca Horn, Bethan Huws, Leiko Ikemura, Buket Isgören,...
ANDREAS BAUSCH | Colors Of My Mind
Group Show, September 8 - November 25, 2023 @ Kreuzstraße 16, 53225 Bonn
Simon Strauß reads from "Zu Zweit" (For Two) at Galerie Andreae: This intense novella tells of a state of emergency, a world without solid ground. And it asks how two strangers, who could not be more different, nevertheless find their way together. An extraordinary love story with a special eye...
WASSER - Knappheit oder Fülle? | FRANCIS ZEISCHEGG
Under this title, the Art and Culture Association will open the exhibition on 19 August 2023 at 2 p.m. with a wide variety of visual and thematic approaches to this unique material. In the former gymnasium of the "Alte Schule" (old school), 11 artistic positions will be shown that approach the...
Now in the new volume 290 of KUNSTFORUM International: "Achim Mohné. Transforming Photography into Sculpture - the Algorithm in Materialised Form". A conversation by Pamela C. Scorzin (pp. 113-122).
ANDREAS BAUSCH | Two pieces from a broken heart
ANDREAS BAUSCH | Two pieces from a broken heartSolo ShowOpening Friday, July 21, 7 p.m., Kunstverein Duisburg, GermanyIn the solo show "Two pieces from a broken heart“ ANDREAS BAUSCH shows space-creating painting that makes the phenomena of time, space and movement directly perceptible in its...
Opening Sunday, July 16, 2023 at 11 a.m, Regierungspräsidium Karlsruhe, GermanyThe BBK Landesverband Bildender Künstlerinnen nd Künstler Baden-Württemberg is celebrating its 50th anniversary with an exhibition at the Regierungspräsidium Karlsruhe. Each of the five BBK district associations -...
From now on the new edition by the artist ELISA BREYER is available in the gallery! The edition costs EUR 350,00 incl. 19% VAT.Elisa Breyer (*1995) captures everyday elements that usually escape our attention and captures them on canvas in strong materiality and downright garish colors. Contrary...
With the group exhibition 'DER RUF', the Neue Kunstverein Mittelrhein focuses on the relief. Via exemplary works, among others by CLAUDIA MANN, new technical and conceptual possibilities and themes of this sculptural subgenre are explored.The artists thematise the classical form of expression...
CLAUDIA MANN takes part in the group show Concrete#3: ground works at Frontviews/HAUNT. From the earth into the earth, the show examines new sculptural processes in which nature is considered from the very beginning.Ground works is a new sculptural format, in which the change of our environment...
monopol Artikel: Gruppenschau in Bonn. Was kann junge Malerei heute?
Die Bonner Gruppenaustellung "Cherries on Top" soll das krönen, was bereits gut ist, und stellt dabei die Frage, welche Art von Malerei Menschen heute noch in physische Galerien lockt. Benjamin Freund über die aktuelle Ausstellung in der Galerie Judith Andreae.
On Friday June 9 at 7 pm, HILDEGARD ELMA opens up her duo exhibition WAAGERECHT - SENKRECHT with Daniel Erfle at Brotfabrik Galerie in Berlin. The artist presents newly created watercolours next to Daniel Erfle's sculptural pieces.Duration: 9 June - 16 July 2023Brotfabrik Gallery in...
On Sunday, 4 June 2023, we cordially invite you to the gallery and the current group exhibition CHERRIES ON TOP that will be open from 11 am to 5 pm!As part of the group show ARNO BECK presents his new edition #Pain #Ting (2023), etching (line etching) on Alt Worms, antique paper, 45 x 35 cm,...
JULIA GRUNER | DIE GROSSE 2023, Museum Kunstpalast / NRW Forum, Düsseldorf
From 04.06. - 09.07.2023, the largest exhibition in Germany organised by artists will take place at the Kunstpalast Düsseldorf, the NRW-Forum and Ehrenhof. JULIA GRUNER's work "Cherry Shine", which was created in 2022 for the exhibition "Multisensory Entanglements" at St. Agnes Church in...
PIA FERM 'KARTON'21.05 - 25.06.2023 OPENING: Sonntag, 21.05, 12 Uhr Die Künstlerin ist anwesend Im Rahmen der 7. Biennale der Zeichnung sind in der Solo-Ausstellung 'Karton' im Galeriehaus Nord Arbeiten der Künstlerin PIA FERM (*1986, Lysekil) zu sehen. Das Wort 'Karton' stammt von dem...
In the large group exhibition 'Mouvement et Lumière' in homage to Jesús Rafael Soto, the Fondation Villa Datris presents 'Mouvement et Lumière', a hypnotic and luminous group exhibition with a selection of works of kinetic art from the original movement of the 1950s, while opening up to new...
At Art Cologne 2022, Francis Zeischegg presented her recently completed, monumental work 'Self-Displayer' at the booth of Galerie Judith Andreae."Scaling has influenced the human imagination - beyond the measure of the body and the eye - and digital aids have expanded it into the almost...
Insects are depicted in the earliest artistic or ritual drawings. Since the Renaissance, insects have appeared in many paintings, especially drawings and prints. It is striking that from the very beginning to the present day, scientific observations have also exhibited the highest artistic...
CLAUDIA MANN | Lothar Fischer Preisträgerin 2023
The biennial Lothar Fischer Prize of the Lothar & Christel Fischer Foundation will be awarded in 2023 to the artist Claudia Mann.The artists proposed for the prize should be able to be loosely associated with the work of the museum's founder Lothar Fischer and correspond to the profile of the...
Regine Schumann | INNERLIGHT, PZSB, Mieres, Spain 2023
Reflections of light and colour fill the large Pozu Santa Bárbara (PZSB) hall, which in its previous life formed part of a mine. Using fluorescent three-dimensional objects, the site-specific exhibition “innerlight” by German artist Regine Schumann explores Schumann’s personal connection to...
PIA FERM was a guest on the Hessischer Rundfunk podcast and spoke with hr-iNFO editor Tanja Küchle as well as women artists and representatives from the artists' association GEDOK Rhein-Main e.V. about the situation of women in the artistic field. An exchange about the possibilities for women to...
At art fair art KARLSRUHE, Judith Andreae was in conversation with SWR2 about photography and the two gallery artists JOHANNES BRUS and ACHIM MOHNÉ. Both artists were represented at the gallery booth together with STEFANIE BREHM, HILDEGARD ELMA and ALEXANDER SCHULZ.
The first monograph by Swedish artist PIA FERM provides a comprehensive overview of both her marble sculptures and tufted tapestries. These are created from sketches and watercolor drawings, though their drawing origins remain visible in the hand-worked wool surfaces. Published by Hatje Cantz....
In his first comprehensive monograph, LUKAS GLINKOWSKI provides insights into his world of images. He recomposes impressions and encounters of everyday life in his studio in a painterly way. The result is a visual mash-up: quotations from art history, comics, figures are found on unusual image...