LUKAS GLINKOWSKI | Eat the Rainbow, Fuhrwerkswaage Cologne

Lukas Glinkowski @ Fuhrwerkswaage Mountainview Gallery, Cologne: The title Eat the rainbow is aimed at the platform of the same name, which calls for diversity and awareness when choosing food. Glinkowski's work represents a playful yet critical dialogue about consumer culture, excess and visual stimuli. The term kebab with a directional arrow above it on the 9th banner is a reference to a nearby snack bar that actually offers this food.
The nine-part constellation is influenced by the popular ‘painting by numbers’ technique, although the artist replaces the numbers with colour names. The work, deliberately kept in black and white, invites the public to imagine the named colours as a rainbow - and thus a colourful, healthy and sustainable variety.
December 12, 2024 – February 12, 2025